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| No |                                     | Education EV3 | home EV3  |
| 1  | Intelligent Brick                   | 1             | 1         |
| 2  | Large Motor                         | 2             | 2         |
| 3  | Middle Motor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 4  | Ultrasonic Sensor                   | 1             | 0         |
| 5  | Touch Sensor                        | 2             | 1         |
| 6  | Color Sensor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 7  | Gyro Sensor                         | 1             | 0         |
| 8  | Infrared Sensor                     | 0             | 1         |
| 9  | IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control) | 0             | 1         |
| 10 | Rechargeable DC Battery             | 1             | 0         |
| 11 | Transformer 10V DC                  | Option        | 0         |
| 12 | the number of parts                 | 541 parts     | 550 parts |
| 13 | tray                                | ○             | ×         |
NoEducation EV3home EV3
1Intelligent Brick11
2Large Motor22
3Middle Motor11
4Ultrasonic Sensor10
5Touch Sensor21
6Color Sensor11
7Gyro Sensor10
8Infrared Sensor01
9IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control)01
10Rechargeable DC Battery10
11Transformer 10V DCOption0
12the number of parts541 parts550 parts



| No |                                       | Education EV3 | home EV3                          |
| 1  | Lobby(the main menu of the software)| ○             | △                                 |
| 2  | Programming                           | ○             | ○                                 |
| 3  | Data Logging                          | ○             | ×                                 |
| 4  | Contents Editor                       | ○             | ×                                 |
| 5  | Robot Educator                        | ○             | △(assembly diagrams for 5 models)|
| 6  | Sound Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |
| 7  | Image Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |
NoEducation EV3home EV3
1Lobby(the main menu of the software)
3Data Logging×
4Contents Editor×
5Robot Educator△(assembly diagrams for 5 models)
6Sound Editor
7Image Editor


| No |                                     | Education EV3 | home EV3  |
| 1  | Intelligent Brick                   | 1             | 1         |
| 2  | Large Motor                         | 2             | 2         |
| 3  | Middle Motor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 4  | Ultrasonic Sensor                   | 1             | 0         |
| 5  | Touch Sensor                        | 2             | 1         |
| 6  | Color Sensor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 7  | Gyro Sensor                         | 1             | 0         |
| 8  | Infrared Sensor                     | 0             | 1         |
| 9  | IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control) | 0             | 1         |
| 10 | Rechargeable DC Battery             | 1             | 0         |
| 11 | Transformer 10V DC                  | Option        | 0         |
| 12 | the number of parts                 | 541 parts     | 550 parts |
| 13 | tray                                | ○             | ×         |


| No |                                       | Education EV3 | home EV3                          |
| 1  | Lobby(the main menu of the software)| ○             | △                                 |
| 2  | Programming                           | ○             | ○                                 |
| 3  | Data Logging                          | ○             | ×                                 |
| 4  | Contents Editor                       | ○             | ×                                 |
| 5  | Robot Educator                        | ○             | △(assembly diagrams for 5 models)|
| 6  | Sound Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |
| 7  | Image Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |


NoEducation EV3home EV3
1Intelligent Brick11
2Large Motor22
3Middle Motor11
4Ultrasonic Sensor10
5Touch Sensor21
6Color Sensor11
7Gyro Sensor10
8Infrared Sensor01
9IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control)01
10Rechargeable DC Battery10
11Transformer 10V DCOption0
12the number of parts541 parts550 parts


NoEducation EV3home EV3
1Lobby(the main menu of the software)
3Data Logging×
4Contents Editor×
5Robot Educator△(assembly diagrams for 5 models)
6Sound Editor
7Image Editor
Source Link

I recommendHardware

| No |                                     | Education EV3 | home EV3  |
| 1  | Intelligent Brick                   | 1             | 1         |
| 2  | Large Motor                         | 2             | 2         |
| 3  | Middle Motor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 4  | Ultrasonic Sensor                   | 1             | 0         |
| 5  | Touch Sensor                        | 2             | 1         |
| 6  | Color Sensor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 7  | Gyro Sensor                         | 1             | 0         |
| 8  | Infrared Sensor                     | 0             | 1         |
| 9  | IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control) | 0             | 1         |
| 10 | Rechargeable DC Battery             | 1             | 0         |
| 11 | Transformer 10V DC                  | Option        | 0         |
| 12 | the number of parts                 | 541 parts     | 550 parts |
| 13 | tray                                | ○             | ×         |


| No |                                       | Education EV3 | home EV3                          |
| 1  | Lobby(the main menu of the software)| ○             | △                                 |
| 2  | Programming                           | ○             | ○                                 |
| 3  | Data Logging                          | ○             | ×                                 |
| 4  | Contents Editor                       | ○             | ×                                 |
| 5  | Robot Educator                        | ○             | △(assembly diagrams for 5 models)|
| 6  | Sound Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |
| 7  | Image Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |

Based on this comparison:

In the middle of the page you can see a table with differences: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3

And at the bottom: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 expansion Set, and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Set - with bricks list

DirectSome other direct links:

I recommend this comparison:

In the middle of the page you can see a table with differences: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3

And at the bottom: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 expansion Set, and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Set - with bricks list

Direct links:


| No |                                     | Education EV3 | home EV3  |
| 1  | Intelligent Brick                   | 1             | 1         |
| 2  | Large Motor                         | 2             | 2         |
| 3  | Middle Motor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 4  | Ultrasonic Sensor                   | 1             | 0         |
| 5  | Touch Sensor                        | 2             | 1         |
| 6  | Color Sensor                        | 1             | 1         |
| 7  | Gyro Sensor                         | 1             | 0         |
| 8  | Infrared Sensor                     | 0             | 1         |
| 9  | IR Beacon (Infrared Remote Control) | 0             | 1         |
| 10 | Rechargeable DC Battery             | 1             | 0         |
| 11 | Transformer 10V DC                  | Option        | 0         |
| 12 | the number of parts                 | 541 parts     | 550 parts |
| 13 | tray                                | ○             | ×         |


| No |                                       | Education EV3 | home EV3                          |
| 1  | Lobby(the main menu of the software)| ○             | △                                 |
| 2  | Programming                           | ○             | ○                                 |
| 3  | Data Logging                          | ○             | ×                                 |
| 4  | Contents Editor                       | ○             | ×                                 |
| 5  | Robot Educator                        | ○             | △(assembly diagrams for 5 models)|
| 6  | Sound Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |
| 7  | Image Editor                          | ○             | ○                                 |

Based on this comparison:

Some other direct links:

link fixed
Source Link

I recommend this comparison:

In the middle of the page you can see a table with differences: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3

And at the bottom: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 expansion Set, and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Set - with bricks list

Direct links:

Brickset (check Parts tab):

I recommend this comparison:

In the middle of the page you can see a table with differences: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3

And at the bottom: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 expansion Set, and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Set - with bricks list

Direct links:

Brickset (check Parts tab):

I recommend this comparison:

In the middle of the page you can see a table with differences: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3

And at the bottom: LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 expansion Set, and the home version of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Set - with bricks list

Direct links:

Brickset (check Parts tab):

brickset links
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more info about retail version
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direct links
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