I have been trying to get python on my EV3 brick using an EV3 MicroPython SD card image as described on the Lego website. The EV3 brick seem fine with its new OS.
Instead my problems are at the computer end. When connecting the EV3 to my PC by USB cable and the Visual Studio Code editor (as prescribed by the Lego documentation) I can find and connect to the EV3 brick. But as soon as I try to actually do something with the connected device I get a blue screen of death.
According to the Lego homepage the systems requirements for EV3 MicroPython is Windows 10. I use Windows 7 on my computer which by itself should explain the problems. Nevertheless my question is if this seems plausible? Have others had the same problem? Is there any other way to use Python programming on my EV3 brick without having to change OS on my computers?