I am trying to upload an XML file with my brick wishlist to BrickLink. However, even if I follow the instructions on the webpage, it never seems to find the product in the catalogue. If I manually use the search bar to search it in the catalogue however, it will always find it.

I have no idea what is wrong.

The help says:


If I change that to:


It doesn't work. However it does exist: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=3062b&ccName=306223

and that with the 6 Digit IDs. What about the other ID types, the ones that can not be broken into colour/ID? e.g.: 4211425

How can I upload my list to Bricklink?

  • I found this question, wanting to know how to upload a CSV file to a BrickLink Wanted List. Your comment on uploading XML was a valuable lead. You might want to add the referenced BrickLink page that tells about XML uploads: www.bricklink.com/help.asp?helpID=207. I add it here to help others. For me, I needed to convert my CSV to XML, then it uploaded fine (less the quarks mentioned here).
    – Thomas
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 15:50
  • @Thomas the webpage is massively changed since I asked this question, so I believe the content you link to is new! feel free to add it to the question, or add an answer with the information! Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 17:41

1 Answer 1


Bricklink is correct - 3062 does not exist. Your link shows 3062b, which DOES exist (Don't ask me why the base number does not exist though :) ). So if you change your XML to


It should load.

I do not know the answer to the second part of your question: 4211425 translates to ITEMID 3460 in color White, and the Catalog knows this, but the wanted list does not :(.

  • I see, but the catalogue translates 3062 properly when searched manually. Again, I am losing the point if I need to manually search for everything! Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 18:36
  • 1
    Yes - totally annoying. At this point I don't know either how you can go from your ID numbers to the ones used in Bricklink without first looking them up and translating them. And I do not understand why Bricklink allows you to search for a 7-digit ID, but cannot upload it in the Wanted List functionality. Sharing your frustration here, but perhaps someone else on this forum can answer the question for you. A quick google search showed many ways to upload 4/5-digit IDs, but nothing on the long IDs you have.
    – Phil B.
    Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 18:57

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