I recently got a bulk lot of official Lego pieces from a charity shop. Amongst my treasures I discovered a load of these bricks (about 40 or so).
At first I thought they were some of the first Lego bricks but as far as I can tell Lego have always had the tubes on the underside of their bricks. Can anyone help me to identify their pedigree and/or their age? I have a very strong feeling they're knock-offs...
Distinguishing features -
- These bricks have nothing on the underside to stop them from sliding around- no tubes, ridges, nothing.
- The larger bricks (2x4 upwards) have holes all the way through the studs.
- All bricks have a slightly sunken profile to the studs
- Every brick has a random number on the underside i.e. “43”, “78” etc
- In basic colours of red, blue, yellow, white, black and clear. I’ve also got a green baseplate which has square holes on the underside.
Thanks for any help you can give me.