LEGO BOOST and LEGO Powered Up Smart Hubs use Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate to apps. Where can I find documentation on the communication protocol so that I can build my own app for these devices?
1 Answer
LEGO calls this communication protocol the "LEGO Wireless Protocol" (LWP). The documentation is publicly available at
There is also a GitHub repository that provides the source of this website at Because of this, it seems reasonable to expect this documentation to evolve over time.
1Note: WeDo 2.0 is similar, but not the same. The official WeDo 2.0 SDK can be found at Commented Dec 21, 2018 at 18:29
1It is too bad that this is the only thing LEGO has on github.– chicksCommented Dec 22, 2018 at 23:50
check this repositories also - he have few nodejs/python bindings, protocols descriptions and so on– x'ESCommented Jul 27, 2020 at 0:00