I'm looking to identify a Female minifig she has an open slope decorated skirt (no legs), long brown hair, big eyes! I think the body is wrong as it's plain black with standard yellow hands.
2While there are some who might be able to do their magic with this description, there's more of us who could have a good shot if you'd include a picture. Is that an option?– RSchulzCommented Feb 18, 2021 at 19:50
2@RSchulz I didn't even see a question...– Aaron D. MarascoCommented Feb 18, 2021 at 21:05
1Although the question could use some clarification, it looked like a fun challenge. I found one possible contender in my (non-exhaustive) search: Narcissa Malfoy– Matthew JensenCommented Feb 22, 2021 at 3:49
Thank you so much ! I'd never have known Matthew. I did manage a screen shot in the end as puc was too big. Thank you as I can see I've wrong hair etc . Matthew, thanks for this as itbwas my first time here and I didn't know how it all worked. Much appreciated– JILLYMUPPETCommented Feb 23, 2021 at 8:53
1 Answer
Hair is Minifigure, Hair Long. In Dark Brown color this was used by just one minifigure, the Highland Battler.
Face seems to be one of two versions of Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Female, Dark Brown Eyebrows, Crow's Feet, Smile / Angry Pattern (HP Narcissa), with Blocked Open Stud OR with Hollow Stud.
Torso is unrecognizable as the picture isn't clear enough.
"Legs" are Slope 65 2 x 2 x 2 with Bottom Tube with Light Bluish Gray Inset Skirt Pattern which, originally, belong to Narcissa Malfoy.
Since half of elements for this minifigure come from Narcissa Malfoy it must have been used as a base for modifying it.
Thanks everyone, it was Narcissa Malfoy who had been mismatched but now reassembled once I knew what to look for. This can be CLOSED...APPRECIATED HARD WORK !! Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 10:06
@JILLYMUPPET Thanks for the confirmation - you can mark this answer as "accepted" by clicking the tick mark under the votes - You'll also get some reputation for it. Commented Feb 25, 2021 at 0:37