I've recovered my old lego duplo set from the attic, and tried to get the electric train working again. After inserting fully charged batteries, the train does start, but it's unable to pull even a single wagon.
I've also tried using Duracell batteries, but that gives the same result. I've already opened up the train and my dad says he can see a little crack in one of the gears, but the train still runs when using Hameg PS and even with the batteries.
Can I get this thing working again somehow?
Here is a video of the train with a single wagon
I tried hooking up power.
And at first it started to drive smoother, but after like 5 seconds it got to a halt again. When lifting the train, the wheels spin again, but when putting it down again it just stops. The wires are not in the way for sure.
Here is the video of the train wired to the power.
Currents are:
- 75 mA while driving
- 120 mA when stuck