I'm building a MOC based on the 10219 Maersk Train, but going for the classic track power 9V system given the removal of need for batteries and slowly increasing availability of new 9V parts from third-party supplier FX Bricks.
I was wondering about dual-motoring my locomotive, and hit upon the idea of using the Technic axled motor from the 9V RC era (as used in the Cargo Train Deluxe 7898 set), linking it to track power via a 9V extension wire attached to the power studs atop it and going to those atop the classic 9V track powered motor. My thought is that in using the motor with silicone traction tires in addition to the metal-wheeled classic motor bogie, it may be possible to get even better traction and pulling power.
I'm still learning about LEGO trains after getting back into them many years later, so I'm not sure if the transformer could handle it (other folks I've seen have said that the controller overheats running two motors for a long period of time), or if those top power studs can even transmit the power required for running another motor.
Can the components be used as I'm thinking, or have I gone wrong in my thought process somewhere?