My son just built this Rubik's Cube solver and I wanted to help him with the software aspect of it. Despite being a pretty big computer geek, I'm stumped!
The software instructions say to download the .zip, unpack it, and then open the project. Instructions make reference to 1.4.0 ("as of 1.4.0...") and also recommend updating to the latest version, so presumably the instructions were written when 1.4.x or higher was the current version.
I have 1.5.0 installed.
The instructions show this in the File menu:
I only have a File > Open open, and it only allows selecting two types of files, .lmsp and .lleu. Navigating to the extracted .zip folder indeed shows it as an empty directory despite the .ev3 file being in there.
This seems stupidly stupid, though I struck out googling my way out of this. I was doubting I even had the right mindstorm software installed, so I went down a rabbit hole, finding this MS page which seems exactly right, but ultimately links to a nothing page. More searching led me to think this is the current software to use for ev3 based kits, but upon install, I find it also only allows .lmsp and .lleu files.
Could someone kindly assist in pointing me in the right direction? Is it just that this project my son found is so old I have to track down an archived historical version of the software?