I am aware of this question and of this post blog on Evil Mad Scientist which include a couple of interesting. My issue with the first one is that it is completely unsuitable for larger amounts of bigger bricks (like 2x2, 1x4, 2x4 and so on) and I'd like to avoid stacking presented in the second link.
I thought long and the best idea I had is to get a couple of the Lego Storage bricks in different colors and store particular color in particular box. The problem is, if I had 50 yellow 2x2, 50 yellow 2x3 and 50 yellow 2x4, I'd have hard time finding two 2x8. Not to mention different shapes and sizes of plates, technic bricks with holes and the studless technics.
Perhaps I am asking for impossible, but are there any solutions for storing large amount of bricks, technic bricks, technic studless bricks and plates in different shapes and colors (I am thinking at least 10 per color & shape and 5 per color & shape of the less popular combinations for the starts) in a way which makes it easy to find the exact piece you want? I don't mind mixing different shapes or colors as long as the big volume of one type won't make it too difficult to find others in the same container.