I have two unusual lego pieces that came from a collection of used legos that mostly seem to date from the 1970's that I am unable to identify using LDraw's ldfind app. What are these parts, and if known, what sort of sets might they have come from?
The red one is a 2x6 plate with only two knobs on the top of the plate, with a triangular post with that is about three bricks tall with one knob on top of the post. The bottom of this brick says "Pat. pend" and has A and 1 designations.
The black one is a 2x4 brick that looks like a wheel brick with holes on the sides that might be for wheels, except on top there is a tall post and two short knobs. The bottom of this brick says "Pat. pend" and has E and 4 inside the circles. It sort of looks like a technic post, but thicker.