LEGO's train tracks (the actual rail part) were made from some kind of metal alloy that does not seem to oxidize, and seems to have good electrical charateristics (low resistance).
Any ideas what this might be?
LEGO's train tracks (the actual rail part) were made from some kind of metal alloy that does not seem to oxidize, and seems to have good electrical charateristics (low resistance).
Any ideas what this might be?
I'm not sure about LEGO, but Märklin, a company that specialized in building train models used simple stainless steel since 1982, chances are that LEGO did the same:
Like starblue said, nickel-siver might also be possible. Another indication of this speculation is the German Wikipedia entry wich says:
Die Schienenprofile von Modelleisenbahnen [...] bestehen mitunter aus Neusilber [...]
Translated: "the rail profile of model railways [...] sometimes consist of nickel-silver [...]"
Maybe nickel silver, which would be a suitable material. But I only found a somewhat indirect claim on the german site 1000steine.