I'm on OSX and I've got a bunch of models made in Lego Digital Designer. They look awesome! Now I want to make instructions.
Q: how do I get from my .ldr files to images or PDF?
I'll take anything!
There are a couple questions here on stackexchange that are similar, but years have passed and some of the references seem out of date.
From my research I believe (one) workflow is:
- build a model in CAD of choice (I'm using LDD, but there is also LeoCAD)
- import the model into Bricksmith
- in Bricksmith group the parts together to make "steps"
- export the steps from Bricksmith, which makes a .ldr for every step!
- now it's time to render: bring it into LPub
- ... this is where I'm stuck.
The fundamental problem seems to be: LPub is... suboptimal
- LPub needs parts files
- LPub hasn't been updated in a while
- The parts files are generated with Windows-compatible scripts
- the parts files I've used so far just crash LPub
So, is the answer
- "here's how to fix LPub" ?
- Or "Stop using LPub" ?
Here's what I've found so far:
- Making Lego Instructions - outlines the workflow I described
- LDraw parts.lst - this is the "missing file" that gets generated. Points to many other files.
- LDMakeList - the script that generates the list
- Lego Instruction Creator - stagnant project that was an alternative to LPub. Has complicated dependencies.