In this video showing an example of Great Ball Contraption (GBC), we can see (at 1:35) that some train's powers are used to run Power Functions (PF) motors:
That must be more convenient than having to change batteries after several hours.
What parts are involved, from the electric wall plug to the final motor?
I guess that the following parts are used:
- Power Adaptor (70931) plugged on wall plug, that provides current through a wire connected to…
- Train Speed Regulator 9V (2868b) that outputs current through 9V plugs
- a Power Functions Extension Wire connected on 9V plug that provide a Power Functions-specific plug (8886)
- any Power Functions motor in the module, e.g L motor:
Are my guesses correct?
If I remember correctly, I have already seen in some videos that the Technic Control Center II (2840c02) was used in place of the Train Speed Regulator. Does it work too?
The Train Speed Regulator 9V are Technic Control Center II are incredibly cheap, are they the cheaper way to power devices from an electric wall plug? The Power Adaptor is relatively expensive, but it's probably possible to find a cheaper and compatible adaptor.