I've been digging around for cheap ways to build and control simple devices and was looking at the Mindstorms sets when I found WeDo and WeDo 2.0. WeDo appears to be compatible with Power Functions sets, but WeDo 2.0 uses a different connector which is similar to, but not the same as, Mindstorms.
I'd like to start low-budget (suggesting WeDo as my starting point, because those controllers are much cheaper) but I want the option of expanding to more of the Mindstorms functionality in the future.
For my purposes, right now, WeDo seems adequate, but it looks like a dead end (unless the WeDo 2.0 connector is the future, in which case maybe EV3 is the dead end!). That's antithetical to the reasons I would even consider Lego in the first place.
Digging further I see rumors that WeDo 2.0 and Mindstorms may be set to converge in the future. So even if I convince myself that i have no choice but to start with EV3, that could still turn out to be incompatible with future parts; but on the other hand it may turn out that my cheap WeDo 2.0 controller would work with future Mindstorms accessories.
Perhaps WeDo 2.0 and EV3 are compatible using just a cheap adapter, like how PF1 parts are. I don't know.
In brief; if I want to expand my kit in the future, and I don't want to spend a lot of money today, then what should I buy? Is there any concrete information available about compatibility or future kits that would help me make this decision?