Wandering the Internet not long ago I saw a LEGO set that I thought my kid would like because it had a hook (they are into tow trucks these days, so things with hooks catch their interest). Unfortunately I didn't bookmark the page nor write the name of the set down, and now it is impossible for me to find it again.

These are the things I remember about the set

  • It was probably a LEGO creator set, because at first I thought the box contained 3 different vehicles and then I realized that you could build 3 different things with the same pieces.

  • It had a hook of some kind (definitely) and probably a rope for the hook.

  • One of the vehicles that you could build with the set was airborne, probably an helicopter, maybe a train.

  • Other of the vehicles that you could build was a boat or ship (due to the size it looked more like a tiny tugboat).

  • The predominant colors in the set were red and black (maybe dark blue?).

Note: I don't think it was the LEGO Creator Cargo Heliplane.

2 Answers 2


Possibly 31045 Ocean Explorer?

  • Has hook
  • Tugboat appearance
  • 3-in-1
  • Red and Dark Blue
  • one model is a plane

If that's not it, you can browse Bricklink for sets containing hooks. I'm guessing you probably saw the modern "Hook with Towball" piece


From your description I would assume it was 31045-1: Ocean Explorer - Brickset

  • 1
    That seems like a reasonable assumption. Welcome to Bricks.SE!
    – jncraton
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 14:33

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