When I was younger my dad bought me 5218-1, a technic-based pneumatics set, which, combined with the old motor system to provide a mini compressor system created quite a bit of entertainment and it got adapted into various other builds, including a sliding pneumatic bank door.
Now, as far as I can tell, the only kit like this nowadays is the Lego Education Pneumatics Add-On Set, 9641-1, which comes in at around £39.99, for 31 pieces.
While I could add this to the Lego Education Simple & Powered Machines Set that's not cheap either, at around £100 for a more reasonable 390 pieces.
Ultimately, is there a list of all the technic (or lego) sets that include pneumatic kits, and, ideally, are any of them still avalible, apart from the ones I've previously listed?