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Questions tagged [collectable-minifigures]

Collectable Minifigures (branded as Lego Minifigures) are minfigures sold randomly in polybags in series.

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2 votes
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Minifig ID Assistance

Ahoy hoy, I’ve recently moved to a town that’s main import is old people, and decided to check out some local antique stores. Can anyone identify any of the minifigs? Or are they all just random ...
Nathan Kerr's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Minifig keychain value [closed]

I'm new to collecting minifigs and have a pretty basic question about the value of keychains. I found a seller offering rarer minifigs at 1/3 of there price on bricklink, they are genuine lego but ...
Skeith's user avatar
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6 votes
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How do I identify which minifig is in a blind bag for The Muppets series of figures?

How do I identify which minifig is in a blind bag for The Muppets series of figures? I would like to know what is the best way to know which minifig is in the bag.
Saariko's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How many polypags would I need to get to have good odds of getting all in the series?

Despite helpful prior answers about squeezing polybags to determine contents, the new Unikitty! series seems pretty immune to this sort of the effort since all of them are in one of 3 shapes and there ...
chicks's user avatar
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How can you pin the Penguin Suit Guy down?

I like penguins and so I was really amazed to find the Penguin Suit Guy in Collectible Minifigures Series 16: But despite coming with the 88646 tile he won't stick to it because of the skates: There'...
chicks's user avatar
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Can you identify this 3x4 black plate with studs only going down the middle?

I need help in identifying this piece so that I can search for it on BrickLink. It is a platform for minifigures. It comes with the "mystery minifigure".
Chuck Hooney's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the common quality issues seen in collectible minifigs?

TLG is currently seeking specific feedback on what quality issues may be present within the Collectible Minifigures line so that these issues can be addressed. What are the common issues that you have ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between the plastic used in mainstream minifigs and the plastic used to make the popular collectable series of minifigs?

What is the difference (if there even is a difference) between the plastic used in mainstream minifigs and the plastic used in the popular collectable minifig series? It seems to me that the ...
Major Stackings's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How many mystery collectiable minifig bags to buy to get them all?

There are 16 distinct LEGO minifigures in a collectible series. They are sold individually in "mystery" bags so that you cannot tell which one is inside. To get all 16 minifigures, what's the ...
Gruber's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Female Ghosts!

Do all of the LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Female Ghosts have a smaller, more square-ish neck part?
Ryan M's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there a free ImageSet of the Minifigure Series?

As I wrote an iOS App, which helps you collect the Minifigure Series, that I want to distribute for free and LEGO is not willing to let me use their Minifigure Images, I am looking for the images ...
Sebastian Osthoff's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

LEGO minifig authenticity

I bought 3 mini figures from Amazon because I wanted specific mini figures and did not want to spend $30 plus doing so with bag ordering and opening. I got the figures and they look authentic. The ...
user6168's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a standard distribution of minifigs when you purchase an entire case?

The last couple of times I purchased a case of collectable minifigures, each one had three complete sets (16 x 3), plus an extra 12 remainder of random minifigs. My last case I ordered only had two ...
Dave Reid's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Will they ever make LEGO The Amazing Spider-man 2 sets? [closed]

I realized that they released an exclusive minifigure of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in the San Diego Comic Con but I am still wondering if they will ever make LEGO set(s) based on the movie.
Webhead101's user avatar
5 votes
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Is LEGO testing the market with the Minifigure Series?

I looks to me that LEGO is testing the market by using the Minifigure Series. It seems logical to try all kind of different themes and see which ones are gaining traction. For example: Minifigure ...
pcantin's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is it possible to obtain a replacement part for a collectible minifigure?

My son's latest collectible minifigure purchase was missing its legs. Is it possible to get a replacement set of legs?
Jason Berkan's user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

Is there a reliable way to determine what minifigure is in a LEGO Minifigures series package?

I would love to have one of each minifigure from the various LEGO Minifigure series. Unfortunately, as you receive a random minifigure in each package, this is more difficult than it should be. I ...
Jason Berkan's user avatar