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Questions tagged [shapes]

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15 votes
3 answers

Is there a Technique or Algorithm for Building Spheres?

There are times when I would like to build a sphere or a dome like this one: From Small Lego Sphere Project While this example is great, I find it difficult to scale it to another size, whether ...
LarsTech's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between these hole shapes?

I purchased an assorted bag of LEGO Technic pieces. There are pieces with axle holes, but what puzzles me is that the holes are different from what I am familiar with. There's a piece with an ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Averaged out, as of 2016, how many shapes has Lego introduced per year since brick 1?

Averaged out since Lego first began selling addictive bricks, and discounting the structural redesign of existing bricks (Like the 2x4. Tubes were added, but it was still a 2x4) how many shaped ...
Major Stackings's user avatar