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6 votes

My grandson wants a LEGO motor. What should I get?

While Alexander's answer is completely correct, I wanted to provide an alternative that may work a little better while being a bit more expensive. Buying a motor and battery box is certainly the ...
jncraton's user avatar
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6 votes

My grandson wants a LEGO motor. What should I get?

You say he is looking for a "Power Motor", which sounds like he is referring to the LEGO Power Functions line. The bare minimum you need to get a spinning motor would be one of the battery boxes and ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
4 votes

Capes and Hoods

This minifigure utilize both of your items:
Alex's user avatar
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4 votes

Helmet with flip-down binoculars is not in any of the databases

It's probably a 3rd-party LEGO-compatible accessory, several 3rd-parties make such military themed accessories. LEGO doesn't make very many modern-day military-themed pieces and I found similar ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
3 votes

What are all the third party (unofficial) accessories I can get for an NXT

There's lots of third party SENSORS to attach (see very helpful list from Philo), but I found it hard to find any info on third party MOTORS to connect to EV3. Pretty much only the ...
Marek Lewandowski's user avatar
2 votes

Are these LEGO Star Wars bricks genuine or fake?

The Star Wars blasters in question are real LEGO. I grabbed a hand-full of Star Wars blasters from my collection and laid them out for comparison. All of these came from sets I bought, brand new. ...
JohnnyB's user avatar
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2 votes

Are these LEGO Star Wars bricks genuine or fake?

I can't find an official source for this statement, but with the exclusion of a few rarities like test bricks, and perhaps a few other cases, every piece of genuine LEGO will have the brand stamped on ...
Greg Chabala's user avatar
2 votes

What material is used to make capes and cloth in LEGO sets and where do I get it?

I've used iron-on patch material (the thinner twill variety that comes in bright colors) with success for my kids' minifigs. I cut it out with fabric scissors and use a good hole punch for the holes. ...
Chelsea's user avatar
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1 vote

My grandson wants a LEGO motor. What should I get?

If your grandson has lots of Technic pieces, such as gear wheels, axles, beams with holes etc (if he knows his way around Lego he should be able to confirm that pretty easily), the Lego have a good ...
Craig's user avatar
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1 vote

What are all the third party (unofficial) accessories I can get for an NXT

In addition to these helpful answers, I'd like to add that the reason there are so many 3rd party devices and options is because the NXT supports an incredibly wide variety of electronic and data ...
MindS1's user avatar
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