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10 votes

What is a "MOD" and how does it differ from a "MOC"?

It's MODification, "My Own Design" is silly. Also used quite extensively outside of the LEGO community, e.g. in gaming a MOD is altered game code you execute, either to cheat or to change ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
9 votes

Is there a way to plan and organize your LEGO project like a GitHub hosted software?

While you could indeed manage the project with a tool like GitHub (using the Issues feature), you might be better off initially managing the tasks through a tool like Trello which allows you to create ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
8 votes

Who are the Lego Certified Professionals?

November 2021 update New LCP in Russia has been announced - Vladimir Golubev. Number of LCP's is now - 22 (listed below). TLG has details on all of the members, except Vladimir. You can find more ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
7 votes

Is there a hobbyist standard for Trains track modules?

Yes there is, and the standard is not unique to trains, but rather applicable to all LEGO construction. It is called MILS (Modular Integrated Landscaping System). You can find its specification in ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
  • 17k
7 votes

Is there a way to plan and organize your LEGO project like a GitHub hosted software?

I'll address some points from Zhaph - Ben Duguid's answer: While you could indeed manage the project with a tool like GitHub (using the Issues feature), you might be better off initially managing ...
GammaGames's user avatar
6 votes

You know you have been LEGOing too long when

I know i have when my kids get tired of waiting for me in the Lego store & leave me to go to Starbucks
Bill Holmes's user avatar
6 votes

You know you have been LEGOing too long when

You know you have been LEGOing too long when you have permanent stud prints on your fingers (That's technically a tattoo pictured, but you get the idea)
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
5 votes

You know you have been LEGOing too long when

When you've been waiting almost 40 years for your favorite colors to become real. The Lego Movie 2 colors (teal and aqua!!!) and the teal brick separator are like a dream come true.
Geode's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes

Is there a MILS-like standard for medieval villages and castles?

The Modular Medieval Village Standard put together by the Rochester, NY LUG (RochLUG) provides this. It features an underlying support layer very similar to MILS: Most modules will feature a ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
4 votes

Looking for Adult LEGO

LEGO has recently released a number of sets in LEGO Art series. Each set is designed to create an image which consist of multiple of tiny 1x1 round plates or 1x1 tiles and has plenty of extra parts to ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
3 votes

How does one become a LEGO® Certified Professional?

First of all, there needs to be an opening for one, which typically means LEGO feels they need more Certified Professionals in a particular region. The most-recent opening was last November and was ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
3 votes

You know you have been LEGOing too long when

When you're correcting anyone and everyone that says "Legos" regardless of their age. When you're editing every question and answer I post to correct Lego to LEGO. :P When your Lego collection is ...
JohnnyB's user avatar
  • 3,274
2 votes

You know you have been LEGOing too long when

...when you´re a dedicated AFOL and cannot laugh about Lego jokes
fabian's user avatar
  • 1,285

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