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13 votes

Alternative to LEGO CONTROL+ app

There is an alternative app called BrickController 2. This open source software is available for both Android as well as iOS. This application is actively developed and its maintainer can be reached ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
8 votes

How deep can the axle go in the Powered Up L motor?

That is only 1 stud deep. So an axle of 5L always sticks out 4 studs
Joost's user avatar
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6 votes

Alternative to LEGO CONTROL+ app

There is a free app called buwizz. It is a great alternative that gives more freedom, and works on Android.
André's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes

42114 (6x6 Volvo Articulated Hauler) doesn’t operate bucket and also doesn’t drive

It might be the case that the batteries can only supply the required power to move such a heavy model in the first few seconds, then their voltage drops below the required limit for the motors to keep ...
zovits's user avatar
  • 17.1k
5 votes

What internal electronics does the Control+ Technic Hub (88012) use?

TLG was kind enough to send me one of these, so I've done my part and cracked it open to see what is inside. The teardown was fairly easy to do without damaging any components. The only tool I used ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
4 votes

Control Lego Technic Control+ Hub via Python

Yes, it is possible to remote control a Technic Control+ hub with Python using a library such as pylgbst or bricknil. You can also write MicroPython programs that run on the hub directly using ...
David Lechner's user avatar
3 votes

Use D output in 42099 (4X4 X-treme Off-Roader) set

At the time of writing this, it is not possible to use the Control+ hub and motors in any other configuration than the already existing preset ones. This situation is expected to change, but there are ...
zovits's user avatar
  • 17.1k
3 votes

Caterpillar D11 (set 42131). Control+ app doesn't seem to work

I had the same problem as you and solved it. For me, the error is in step 87. I had mounted the orange part in the wrong side and it jammed the whole system from turning right. Hope this is useful to ...
Grimble's user avatar
  • 39
2 votes

What is inside the Technic Move hub of the set 42176 Porsche GT4 e-Performance?

This hub can fortunately be opened without completely destroying it. The first step is to remove a few screws on the sides hidden within a couple of the Technic pin holes. The front cover can then be ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
1 vote

Calibration Freeze on D11

I haven't got enough reputation to add a comment. I had the same issue running the Control+ app from my Android phone. Installed the app in an iPad, worked first time. I have also been victim to other ...
Pete Mahon's user avatar
1 vote

Lego 42129 automatic suspension lift

A linear actuator cannot be operated both ways, and cannot replace a strut with a spring. It can only be driven through the gearing input to extend or retract.
Phil B.'s user avatar
  • 17k
1 vote

Caterpillar D11 (set 42131). Control+ app doesn't seem to work

Converting my last comments into an answer. I went through the instructions to understand how this thing works. I think your issue isn't related to cabling (it would be much easier to fix) but there ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

Alternative to LEGO CONTROL+ app

I have started working on a C# SDK to control compatible Control+ / Powered Up hubs. See: for more information.
John Askew's user avatar

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