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Going from LDraw/LeoCAD to Physical Set

Welcome to BricksSE! No question is silly (Maybe duplicitous), but never silly. Go to Create an Account. Go to "Want" drop down menu. Click "Wanted List". Look for the blue box that ...
Rin Rio-Oki's user avatar
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5 votes

How to import parts lists to LDraw?

I don't think you "import the document into LDraw" since I don't think there is an LDraw program; it's a library of all parts. CAD programs manipulate those parts. I tried various CAD programs over ...
Walt White's user avatar
3 votes

What are the differences between Studio 2 and LDcad when working with Technic and EV3?

Please note that I think that software preference can very often be based on many factors that are difficult to enumerate and sometimes even more difficult to express. That said, I think there are a ...
Nathan Stohlmann's user avatar
3 votes

Export an object from Blender to LDraw

In the end, I exported from blender to STL file and used to convert to DAT. The final result worked well, and you can see the custom part used ...
SeeJay719's user avatar
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How to include submodel into main model in LeoCAD?

I have now figured out that you can include submodels the same way as normal parts. In LeoCAD, go to the parts panel where you can select a category ("All Parts", "Parts in Use", ...), scroll to the ...
PowerGnom's user avatar
3 votes

Where to place your own LDraw parts

Cannot comment on LeoCAD as I've never used that, but LDCad is far superior over MLCad and it works well on Linux natively. LDCad uses same part library format as MLCad - LDraw. You can find LDraw ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

How to import parts lists to LDraw?

Export parts as "LDCad Parts Bin PBG" from rebrickable Take the exported .pbg file and place it in %appdata%\LDCad\partBin\default\sets (and possibly add a png image too) (ref from here) ...
joniba's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a current source for the LGEO parts library?

Perhaps this Eurobricks thread is helpful: It seems that the lgeo library itself is no longer maintained ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a current source for the LGEO parts library?

As stated in your "various places" link, the web site maintains an All-In-One-Installer (AIOI) which contains and installs LGEO and is updated in January every year so I assume they use the ...
Walt White's user avatar
2 votes

Determine assembly steps from LXF file

Starting from LDD files and LXF, a good software is Blueprint from msx80 ...
rienafairefr's user avatar
2 votes

Determine assembly steps from LXF file

The LXF file contains the complete model as created with Lego Digital Designer (the Lego CAD tool from The Lego Company). The model usually doesn't require to have building steps as they are (always) ...
ShutterFreak's user avatar
2 votes

Importing 3ds file in ldraw (LeoCAD)

.3DS is a 3D image file format, a rendering of what you designed in LeoCAD. All information necessary to recreate your build (i.e. what bricks to use) will be stripped from it. I suppose that ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
2 votes

Export an object from Blender to LDraw

I think LDPartEditor can do what you want.
bb1950328's user avatar
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2 votes

Going from LDraw/LeoCAD to Physical Set

In case you have all your sets as well as additional/spare bricks added to Rebrickable you can upload your digital model file and identify just the bricks you are missing. Custom list can be created ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make a 1 ldu offset?

Using 42446 bracket with a regular 36841 bracket you can create pretty small builds.
Geri Borbás's user avatar
1 vote

Submodel does not show properly in LPub3D

It looks like I might not be doing anything wrong after all. If I switch the preferred renderer from native to LDView under Preferences everything looks fine. Maybe I should mention that I am using ...
PowerGnom's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a current source for the LGEO parts library?

This wiki page describes how to get all the LGEO parts.
posfan12's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a current source for the LGEO parts library?

This is now available on Github. I was able to find a working download of just the original LGEO library on Eurobricks thanks to some help from the other answerers. I trimmed that down a bit, as that ...
jncraton's user avatar
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1 vote

Determine assembly steps from LXF file

You can use LDD (Lego Digital Designer) the official LXF viewer by Lego. This allows you to create building instructions to view or export to html. You can also use this software to build models, ...
Vikhyat Agarwal's user avatar

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