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17 votes

How can I motorize 42077 Technic Rally Car with LEGO Power Functions?

With some Power Functions elements and a few extra pieces, it's pretty easy to turn the Rally Car into an RC car. Here's a quick demo video of my design in action. And here are the instructions I ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
11 votes

Why are there 4 wires leading to the Power Functions LEGO train motor?

The LEGO Power Functions connectors have 4 standard designations regardless of the usage: 9V power "0V" Ground C1 "control 1" C2 "control 2" It seems for motors that the 9V and Ground are unused. ...
chicks's user avatar
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9 votes

9V Battery instead of PF Battery Box

Most Power Functions pieces will run in classic 9V mode. The IR receiver can't, but motors and lights can. A hacky solution: Many people have done this by cutting up an extension wire, and ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
8 votes

Is the LEGO BOOST kit compatible with EV3 or PowerFunctions motors and sensors?

While LEGO BOOST is compatible with the bricks from other sets, the motor, distance sensor, and Move Hub are not electrically compatible with current EV3 or PowerFunctions components. BOOST uses the ...
8 votes

Lego Technic 42048 with LEGO 8293

Well the thing with LEGO, (Technic, Classic, Mindstorms or whichever category you talk about) is that it is customizable. You might not get instructions to combine Power Functions with this kit but ...
Vikhyat Agarwal's user avatar
8 votes

Does a LEGO Technic Power Functions L Motor work with a v1 receiver?

Yes, they appear in combination in the 42030 and 42095 sets. The L motor only appears in combination with the V2 receiver in the 41999 and 9398 sets. In my experience, there is a small performance ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
7 votes

How do I connect two models to one PF motor?

As an addition to Ambo100's very nicely detailed answer, I'd like to add one more option: If either of the two things you are powering might suffer from friction (or perhaps a child holding it still), ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Augment LEGO City Mobile Command Center 60139 with Power Functions LEGO 8293?

You are not likely going to be able to add the power functions motor to this set without some major modifications. The truck in the set uses pin type wheel connections, the motors normally use technic ...
Josh King's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I use two remote-controlled LEGO Tracked Racers 42065 simultaneously?

Yes, LEGO's Power Function IR elements have 4 different channels you can switch between with an orange slider on the receivers and remotes, so you can run up to 4 at a time.
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
7 votes

Confused about Power Functions M-motor 8883 and 8293

Yes, both items contain the same M-Motor part.
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
7 votes

Which resistor value is used for which motor in Power Functions 2.0?

M Motor (Powered Up/WeDo 2.0) The M motor has a 2.2kΩ resistor between pins 5 and 6. Pin 6 is connected directly to pin 3. LED Lights I don't own any lights yet, but according to this post, they ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
7 votes

Advice on Power Functions for an 11-year-old?

The easiest way to start out with Power Functions is to get an official LEGO set that comes with Power Functions. This will allow your child to really understand how Power Functions works. If he is ...
TheBrickBlogger's user avatar
7 votes

How long does it take a M-motor to go 1 googol rotations?

According to Philo's LEGO motor datasheet an unladen PF-M motor rotates with 405 RPM. One googol is ...
zovits's user avatar
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6 votes

What LEGO Power Functions parts do I need to make an RC car?

Your assumptions appear to be mostly correct. Just for clarity, these are the minimum parts required: A battery box A motor for driving A motor for steering (unless you want to try a steer-on-reverse ...
jncraton's user avatar
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6 votes

Running Power Functions Train Without IR Receiver/Remote

There is a fairly easy and cheap way to do this since you don't want real variable speed control. As you noted, connecting the AAA battery box directly to the PF train motor technically works, but the ...
jncraton's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I connect two models to one PF motor?

Regardless of the models, you can always connect a single motor to one or more models by splitting the axle using (for example) angular wheels or bevel gears. I covered two ways of transmitting ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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6 votes

How to run "Power Functions" devices from an electric wall plug?

What you describe is indeed the most common way to GBC modules, but it's worth noting that one adaptor+regulator can typically power more modules (it depends on the modules), sometimes only one end of ...
Henrik supports the community's user avatar
6 votes

How to run "Power Functions" devices from an electric wall plug?

I just happened to finish a homemade solution to this problem a few days ago — so while I can say this works, it isn't exactly long-tested. I made an adapter to connect a 9V power source to the ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
6 votes

My grandson wants a LEGO motor. What should I get?

While Alexander's answer is completely correct, I wanted to provide an alternative that may work a little better while being a bit more expensive. Buying a motor and battery box is certainly the ...
jncraton's user avatar
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6 votes

My grandson wants a LEGO motor. What should I get?

You say he is looking for a "Power Motor", which sounds like he is referring to the LEGO Power Functions line. The bare minimum you need to get a spinning motor would be one of the battery boxes and ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
6 votes

AA Battery Packs 54950c01 vs 59510c01

The main functional difference between these is the electrical connector. The one with the red switch uses the old style 9V connection, while the one with the orange switch uses the newer Power ...
jncraton's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the quietest LEGO motor?

I don't think it would be practical to evaluate every LEGO motors sound output, almost all LEGO motors are fairly noisy so I think it is best to address the problem of a noisy motor in general. My ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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6 votes

LEGO Powered Up substitution for Power Functions Motor Set 8293

As with old sets and systems (Power Functions (PF) in this case) are being retired supplementary sets become discontinued as well. There are couple of ways you could handle this situation. Power ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes

Connecting a Lego PF M motor to computer

TL;DR: It's not trivial. First, let me quote the pin-out of a PoweredUP (PU) connector from : Pin 1 - Motor Pin 2 - Motor Pin 3 - GND (0v) Pin 4 - VCC (...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is the LEGO IR Receiver V2 not widely produced? Or are they?

No, the V2 receiver isn't available in any new products. It's only available in the sets you mentioned. The most likely reason it's not available in new products is that the production cost would be ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
5 votes

2016: which Power Functions for controllable car?

If you have no technic and no power functions you will need to get quite a lot. You could buy small technic sets to get enough parts to build the moving parts and you your current collection, or buy a ...
Craig's user avatar
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5 votes

Are there any difference between the Power Functions 88003 and 99499 L motors?

According to bricklink, 88003 is the set containing exactly one part, namely the 99499 motor. You can buy the motor as a set in LEGO shops or online, it's packaged in a plastic bag, which probably ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any easy, documented or official way to replace pullback mechanism with Motor Set 8293

I dont't see how a standard way could exist. That would pretty much require a setup with a PF motor, gears, etc. having the same size and interface as the pullback motor, which according to bricklink ...
Henrik supports the community's user avatar
5 votes

Does LEGO sell a DC relay for Power Functions?

LEGO doesn't make something to directly facilitate this type of integration as far as I know. If you can get a PF extension wire, you could cut it and directly make the connections to your driver ...
jncraton's user avatar
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5 votes

Battery Box 8881 not providing enough power

In case anyone else has this issue - cleaning corrosion off of the connections solved the problem! To clean the contacts, I used white vinegar applied with a cotton-swab/cue-tip. I dried it off with a ...
OliverRadini's user avatar

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