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26 votes

Realistic Lego car sets containing gearboxes and engines?

LEGO sets There are more than one set with such characteristics. While first four are from 20th century, I've included them anyway, since they are well-known and include characteristics you are ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
26 votes

Which current wave (2018 onwards) Harry Potter set should I buy to make 12 Grimmauld Place?

Indeed, there haven’t been any models of 12 Grimmauld Place as of yet, and even though the house features in a number of memorable scenes in the movies, even those scenes have never been depicted in ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
  • 17k
21 votes

What LEGO set has the biggest box?

As far as regular sets go (ie. no furniture or big-boxes like that Chima combo), the current UCS Millennium Falcon does appear to be the largest box by total volume. 75192-1 Millennium Falcon - UCS (...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
20 votes

Should the LEGO Batcave step 264 use 1x1 Technic bricks?

This is likely correct. Here's the instruction step that you mentioned: In order to keep costs lower, TLG tries to limit the number of unique elements in a set and in an individual bag within a set. ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
20 votes

How accurate is the model 42179 Planet Earth and Moon in Orbit?

The real Solar System is of course immensely complicated, so capturing all the details in a model would result in an impractical model in terms of size, complexity, and cost. The actual model's ...
zovits's user avatar
  • 17.1k
19 votes

What sets have been named in a punny way?

Not a great pun, but the 2016 advent calendar was: 40222-1: Christmas Build-Up Sort-of a pun/double-meaning on LEGO being a building toy, and the set being meant to build-up to Christmas. The 2017 ...
18 votes

What sets have been named in a punny way?

3852-1: Sunblock (or Sun Block as styled on the packaging) Here "Block" takes on 3 meaning, as part of the word "Sunblock", a pun on LEGO blocks (though I prefer to call them bricks), and a reference ...
17 votes

What sets have been named in a punny way?

A spoof on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 1355-1: Temple of Gloom
15 votes

Are there any army-related LEGO toys?

The LEGO Group does not directly create modern military sets. A LEGO representative gave the following reason: Are there any chances that Lego will ever start producing modern day warfare Lego, with ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
15 votes

Facebook ads for cheap LEGO : legit or scam?

I raised this same question on Reddit. Two people over there pointed out that the website was actually selling pants instead of LEGO. So I just tried to access the website through
John Slegers's user avatar
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15 votes

What LEGO set has the biggest box?

Maybe straining the definition a little (although not too much, as at-least some of them did come with LEGO pieces), LEGO has in the past sold furniture. I think all of these items were shipped ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
15 votes

How does the play experience work in the City Missions sets?

I saw these on the shelf recently and wondered how they worked. TLG was kind enough to send me a copy to explore. The experiences for this set are available in the LEGO Builder app. The box itself ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
14 votes

How to check completeness of a bought set?

You've already discovered yourself two good ways: count by ten put elements on large surface by type The latter technique can be extended to an art called "knolling": Place all elements by type in ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
14 votes

What are these pieces for?

According to the official description, these are for customizing the completed build: This LEGO Batman toy playset includes 2 minifigures and children can customize their builds, minifigures and ...
zovits's user avatar
  • 17.1k
13 votes

What sets have been named in a punny way?

This set name is almost-certainly intended as a humorous reference to Knight Rider: 30376-1: Knighton Rider
13 votes

Pirates of Barracuda Bay 21322 - Is there a way to get the ship pirating-worthy?

The review over at Brickset mentions this exact modification: Pearl gold windows are fixed inside each gunport, preventing the deployment of cannons. While this seems slightly odd, the lattices can ...
zovits's user avatar
  • 17.1k
12 votes

What is the tiny-hand most-friendly sets to migrate from duplo to lego?

As a conservative approach I would suggest the LEGO Juniors series which has cars and other sets and that are easy to build. However, from first hand experience I can tell that kids learn quickly. ...
Metalbeard's user avatar
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12 votes

Do LEGO part counts on boxes include spare parts, brick separators and instruction manuals?

No. Set 30476 (pictured below) says it contains 33 pieces, but the set contains 3 extra pieces in addition to the ones needed to build the set. I believe it has always been this way. Yes. When LEGO re-...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
12 votes

What LEGO set has the biggest box?

Straining the definition a little less than Alexander, some of the First LEGO League challenges came in boxes with the mat folded, making the box unexceptional, but some came in boxes with the mat ...
Henrik supports the community's user avatar
12 votes

What LEGO set has the smallest box?

I thought that promotional boxed sets were good candidates for the smallest box as well, as I own a 1630-1 Helicopter (which, incidentally, I got as a promotional gift for buying toothpaste at some ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the total number of sets that LEGO has released?

It might be impossible to give the precise number simply because some older sets are yet to be found and new ones are being added with a slight delay. These three are major websites having the most ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
11 votes

Does Enlighten Brick mainly produce copies of old LEGO sets?

Enlighten Brick is a Chinese LEGO knock-off brand. A lot of, if-not most of, the sets the produce are basically copies of existing LEGO sets, either current ones or popular retired ones. From their ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
11 votes

What sets have been named in a punny way?

Bad but probably intentional pun, this set has dual bikes that duel: 8305-1: Duel Bikes Likewise, there is 4587-1: Duel Racers.
11 votes

Why do Star Wars sets include the Disney logo/brand name while Marvel Super Heroes sets do not?

I emailed TLG: These changes are different as it is how Disney would like it be displayed. Prior to a set release, each set goes through a number of reviews. One of these, is our designers show ...
Barry Harrison's user avatar
11 votes

Who produces these sets of Venetian gondolas, and is there more of it?

Apparently these are designed and distributed by a Venice shop holder, named Steve
Syberion's user avatar
  • 12.7k
11 votes

Is there any way of knowing how many bags came with a set?

Instructions If you cannot find a review, most sets detail which bags you will be using for each stage within the included instructions. LEGO provide a easy lookup for most instructions included in ...
Ambo100's user avatar
  • 17.6k
10 votes

Is there any reason behind fancy bricks in invisible places?

This piece is only two plates high, to have another piece in here you would need to stack two plates, which would make the total pieces count rise, or more expensive might be more difficult to tear ...
rienafairefr's user avatar
10 votes

Facebook ads for cheap LEGO : legit or scam?

These scammer websites have been popping up for over a year on facebook. Any money sent is lost. You will not receive even a Lepin set. Use your common sense, how is this website supposed to make ...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
10 votes

How does the LEGO Typewriter mechanism fit?

Core Issue When she installs the gearbox mechanism at step 210, the whole thing jams when pressing the keys. The gearbox in question is this one completed in step 208: Here it is fully installed ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
9 votes

Tips for getting enough bricks to make a MOC with unified style

Buying random LEGO sets hoping that it will have parts that will fit with what you want to build is an expensive process that can leave you with a huge number of unwanted pieces, and still not have ...
TheBrickBlogger's user avatar

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