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16 votes

What's the smallest LEGO component, based on its largest dimension?

This tiny tiara piece is smaller than the 1x1 round plate on all sides (middle piece in my image below).
TheBrickBlogger's user avatar
15 votes

What are the dimensions of a LEGO brick?

The precise measurements with an easy to understand technical drawing is available here. A PDF with the all the dimension is available for download.
bartneck's user avatar
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13 votes

How tall is a Lego train on a track?

LEGO tracks are 12mm high, train wheels go below the true height of the track and so in reality only add 7mm of height. The structure gauge (also known as clearance) tolerance will obviously be a lot ...
Ambo100's user avatar
  • 17.6k
12 votes

What are the dimensions of a technic axle?

I found CAD files for LEGO technic axles here: and some gears which have holes for technic axles here: ...
Josh King's user avatar
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10 votes

What are these numbers for this element name?

Bricklink lists it as Technic, Axle 5.5 with stop The blue number is the length of the axle. It is mentioned in the part list to distinguish axles of different lengths in a set. In this case, ...
Metalbeard's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I add 1x4 tile stairs to my octagonal gazebo model?

Add a single jumper plate, in the position shown below, rotated 45 degrees in relation to the direction of the studs of the octagonal plate. Connect plates as needed (shown below: a 4x4 plate). Add ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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9 votes

Height of floral sets

From the pages you linked, under "specifications": 10311 Orchid Dimensions – This buildable model measures over 15 in. (39 cm) high, 11.5 in. (30 cm) wide and 9.5 in. (24 cm) deep 10289 ...
Tuzi's user avatar
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7 votes

Any (small) Lego Technic parts not in whole units?

I assume you mean L when you say units? Well anyhow, unless I'm misunderstanding, I would try these: You can stack 3 of them up to get 1 ...
TechnicTechnician's user avatar
7 votes

How much does a LEGO character weigh?

About 3g (2.98g) Based on a small sample of Minifigure part data provided by Bricklink, a minifigure in it's most basic form (Head, Torso Assembly and Legs Assembley) weighs about 3g. A small ...
Ambo100's user avatar
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7 votes

What are the dimensions of a LEGO brick?

These photos of side-by-side 2x4 bricks may be able to explain why people disagree as to the height of a Lego stud:
RSchulz's user avatar
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7 votes

What are the largest Technic-compatible tires on the market?

Answer to this question is no longer entirely accurate, the power puller wheel has been superseded in diameter by the tractor wheel https:...
Michael Verschaeve's user avatar
7 votes

What is the maximum size of Lego instruction booklets?

While there are multiple sizes of instructions and lack of database with dimensions my answer is based on personal observation. Looking at the stash of my instructions from multiple sets (including ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
7 votes

How tall is a Lego train on a track?

Several of the trains include a diagram showing their size: It obviously varies somewhat from train to train. Somewhere around six inches or 16cm should be sufficient for most trains.
jncraton's user avatar
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7 votes

Radius of the 45 degree elbow piece

After a bit of fiddling in LeoCAD, I can confirm that the mid radius (i.e. the distance from the center of the torus to the axis of an axle) is 3.5 studs plus 2 LDUs (equal to 3.6 studs, or 72 LDUs). ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the smallest LEGO component?

The treasure coin (70501): I think its one of if not the only element that doesn't connect to any other element.
J-B's user avatar
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6 votes

Are there bricks sized between LEGO (classic) and DUPLO?

One Single Stud Lego brick is 9.6mm H by 8mm W (technically 7.8mm). So at the scale you are looking for we're searching for single stud bricks that are 28.8mm H by 24mm W. After an extensive search ...
Brock Harris's user avatar
6 votes

Which are the largest LEGO ships that actually float?

The largest LEGO ship that officially floats in water is the Cargo Ship that comes in 7994-1 LEGO City Harbor: It is the only set which contains the 74 x 18 x 7 Boat Hull, which is the largest boat ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
6 votes

Round Plate 1x1 Dimension

You can derive detailed part geometry using the LDraw parts library. LDraw provides freely accessibly models for nearly every part that Lego has produced. I'd recommend parsing these parts rather than ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.5k
6 votes

What is the longest 1×x brick ever released?

If you mean specifically Lego bricks, I'm pretty sure the 1x16 was/is the longest one made. Outside of the 1x? sized bricks, the longest plain shaped brick that I know of is part #30072 or #47122 at ...
JohnnyB's user avatar
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5 votes

What is average weight of booklets (instructions) in %?

Bricklink has this information for most sets. If you search for the set number, you get several entries. The top one is the entire set, and has the weight for the full sealed box with parts and ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Round Plate 1x1 Dimension

I have a micrometer for measuring with 0.1 mm precision. Using that I measured following lengths: diameter of top cylinder (stud): 4.9 mm diameter of lower cylinder: 6.4 mm diameter of middle ring: 7....
Metalbeard's user avatar
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5 votes

What's the smallest LEGO component, based on its largest dimension?

You'll have to ask my vacuum cleaner, It might have escaped me ;). It depends on what qualifies as "Lego component", though. Made by Lego for Lego would be one of the obvious restrictions, I assume. ...
Tatjana Heuser's user avatar
5 votes

What is the longest 1×x brick ever released?

You didn't say anything about modified 1 x bricks. This is Item 47978 and it is actually listed as a 2x24 brick, because of the added bit in the middle.
Uli's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the longest 1×x brick ever released?

This technic rack is 1x20 and is exactly 1 wide, no hanging out bits
Craig's user avatar
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5 votes

1/3 of 4 studs wide possible?

I think you are looking in perspective at a digital render of a tower base that has 1x2 blue bricks on each side (1 wide) with a 2x2 lime brick in the center. It only appears to be 1/3-1/3-1/3, but is ...
Phil B.'s user avatar
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4 votes

What are the largest Technic-compatible tires on the market?

The largest (by diameter) tyre so far is Tire 139mm D. x 37mm Motorcycle Racing Tread with Tire 132.6mm D. x 27mm Motorcycle Racing Tread Narrow coming next. Both are included in following sets: ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 23.2k
4 votes

Ain't no mountain high enough... - what is the tallest LEGO piece?

No restrictions on the materials. Well then, probably a component to the old wooden furniture LEGO used to produce, like these: 5003483 - 3-Seat Playtable Creative Play Station Center Pack Duplo Or ...
Alexander O'Mara's user avatar
4 votes

Size of packaging of Battery Box 88015

The packaging's dimensions are just slightly bigger than the battery box in it (it fits with little headroom, and room for a booklet). Specifically, 8 x 7.5 x 4.5 cm (ref. 88015-1 (Original Box Entry))...
Sander De Dycker's user avatar
3 votes

What is the fastest way to estimate the number of pieces in a large collection?

What a tricky (bricky!) question. Let's estimate... By Weight So, can one estimate the number of bricks in a bag or box by weight? In fact, they do weigh bags and boxes over at the factory to make ...
Uli's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there bricks sized between LEGO (classic) and DUPLO?

While I don't know the answer for sure, as I don't know every construction brand out there, I see enough problems with the brick size you mention that I doubt anyone would manufacture it. Children ...
TheBrickBlogger's user avatar

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