I am an avid gamer and budding amateur programmer who specializes in Minecraft. If you're stumped with a problem in Minecraft, I'm here to help you. Here's my motto:
life == "good"
Here's some things you should know about me.
- Don't wake me up earlier than 7:30, unless you want your face dented in.
- I have no life. I once spent 1 solid day, programming.
- I have a raspberry pi. That's it.
- I really only play one game. Minecraft.
- What's my name again?
Find me on twitter @ThatGuyWhoCodes or Joe Semmers! If you follow me, tweet me your Arqade username so I know who you are!
Here's a program I made to emulate Python3's print and input functions.
main_value = None
def stdout(string):
print string
def stdin(value):
main_value = value
Here's a terminal session with py3.py
>>> import py3
>>> py3.stdout("Hello")
>>> py3.stdin(23)
>>> py3.stdout(py3.main_value)