It's driving me crazy! I recently purchased LEGO pieces from a local Goodwill. It looks like there's several Star Wars sets from 2007-2008 that are missing lots of pieces. I was assuming this bag was from a Star Wars set, but I'm not seeing anything that resembles the yellow pieces.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Welcome to Bricks.SE, Amy!

Indeed, this bag is not from a Star Wars set. It is from Exo-Force set 8117 Storm Lasher from 2007. This set contains both the 2 yellow pincer-like blades as well as the concave windscreen in trans-black, and many of the hinge pieces displayed in the left bottom corner of your picture.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Ahhh! Finally! I was looking up the exo force sets too, but i wasnt having any luck! I guess im missing way more pieces than i thought. Thank you so much!!
    – Amy R
    Commented Jan 5, 2019 at 21:39

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