I'm planning a scene that includes a church bell. It's will need to fit into roughly 10X10X6 space. It doesn't need to actually make any sound but the ability to swing a bit would be nice.
Here's the image from the scene

I figure I can use a bar, some clips and some stoplights to make the swinging part. Can anyone recomend some parts for the bell itself?

2 Answers 2


Look at the bell in the Lego kit for Big Ben (#10253). Building instructions are here (Step 276).

The bell itself is made from several round plates and parabolic reflector dishes. It's not hollow, but it could certainly be made to swing.


Wanted to chime in here on this (pun intended): if you want to actually have a bell sound with this, there is an option that most people may not have thought of. Somehow integrating the Lego Duplo Bell helmet and having something striking the lever on the top perhaps when the bell swings - this could be an add-on that should possibly be considered as an option to add some sound which would still be official Lego parts.

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    – zovits
    Commented Oct 5 at 8:27

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