I have two pieces I cannot seem to separate. The parts in question are:
- 3062b: Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud
- 6067: Black Boat Mast Section Base 4 x 4 x 1 2/3
The 1 x 1 is transparent in this case, in case that makes a difference (I think the plastic type is different for transparent pieces).
The center of the mast base fits snuggly inside the 1 x 1. The outer wall of the mast base blocks access to the bottom lip of the 1 x 1. There is a hole through the bottom of the mast base, but it's narrow enough that if I try to stick a 3957 antenna through it, the tip of the antenna doesn't catch the top lip on the inside of the 1 x 1 round. I tried pinching the top of the 1 x 1 and wiggling it, but it is too tight.