Bag 6 FrontBag 6 Back Bag 8 Back Bag 8 Front

Looking to identify the following 2 bags

  1. Bag 6 identifying possible help = 741R7 2015 Lego Group 135149
  2. Bag 8 identifying possible help = 142R7 2015 Lego Group 135149

I am hoping the minifig heads might help.

Let me know what you experts think. I just randomly found in my stash.

1 Answer 1


This is set # 70909-1: Batcave Break-In

enter image description here

Based on

Plate, Modified 10 x 10 Octagonal Open Center


Hips and Legs with Jacket Tails Pattern

  • PERFECTION! I can 100% match up the parts to this set. You are amazing. Thank you!
    – Angie G
    Commented May 7, 2020 at 17:28

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