Lego Cuusoo just announced set #7 Ghostbusters 30th anniversary. Cuusoo set #5 is the Curiousity Rover.

Why is there no set #6? What happened to it or did Lego announce it and then change their minds?

2 Answers 2


The sixth LEGO CUUSOO set is the upcoming Exo Suit. See announcement here: http://blog.lego.cuusoo.com/2013/10/21/results-of-winter-spring-summer-lego-reviews/


Looks like LEGO switched up the numbering of the CUUSOO/Lego Idea sets. The Ghostbusters set is officially #006 as can be see on the Lego.com site and now that review units of the Exo-Suit have been released to several Lego related blog sites, it has the number #007 on it.

Official LEGO Shop listing of Ghostbusters set Click on the box image

Review of Exo Suit

Hi Res shot of Exo Suit box


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